Kecharitomene - wersja angielska
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Spójrz w Jej oczy na okładce tej książki i powiedz Jej: Chcę Cię poznać Maryjo, chcę Cię pokochać, chcę żebyś mnie wyszkoliła do duchowej walki i najwspanialszych duchowych zwycięstw! Użyj mnie do Triumfu Twojego Niepokalanego Serca na świecie! Tak, chcę być cały Twój Maryjo, a Ty bądź cała moja, bo tylko w Tobie będę cały dla Boga, a Bóg cały dla mnie. Weź mnie za rękę Kecharitomene i poprowadź do odkrycia Twojego niesamowitego sekretu, a w nim mojego wiecznego przeznaczenia! Amen!
Today, we are witnesses of the extraordinary activation of the Offspring of the Woman that strives with utmost determination to ultimately defeat and crush evil in the apocalyptic battle over human souls. KECHARITOMENE is an exceptional manual for spiritual combat. It also comprises an invitation for you, Dear Reader, to enter the school of Mary, allowing her to shape and mold you in the most beautiful way, through the power of the Holy Spirit and in the great and mighty authority of Jesus Christ—to discover the love of the Heavenly Father that infinitely exceeds every other love. You are invited to become part of the Offspring of the Woman, trained to gain the greatest victories in the spiritual battle for eternal life! First, however, you have to get to know Mary.
You have to discover who she is – who the mysterious Kecharitomene is.
Once you get to know her, you will fall in love with her, just like God fell in love with her for all eternity! And once you fall in love with her, nothing will keep you from taking on the most difficult of challenges! In order to fight for her, the Holy Spirit will bestow on you the gift of
a dauntless heart and invincible spirit! Trained by her and hidden in her Immaculate Heart, you will gain combat readiness exceptionally quickly and witness extraordinary miracles and breakthroughs in your spiritual battles!
Author: Rev. Fr. Dominik Chmielewski SDB
Number of pages: 268
Publication year: 2021
Paperback edition
Printed in Poland
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